Google Workspace Suspend Vs Archive User

If you are wondering how does an archived user compare to suspended user, let us discuss it in this section.

Google Workspace Suspended vs Archived User

Archive user is kind of identical to suspended user, however it helps you save substantial amount of money, here is the table showing couple of minor differences between them.

Google Workspace Access

-- Suspended Users can not login to Google Workspace

-- Archived Users can not login to Google Workspace

Data Retention

-- Both Suspended and Archived Users data is retained in Google Vault

Email Receiving

-- Both Suspended and Archived Users do not receive emails (Emails sent to them will be bounced by default, unless Google Workspace Administrator has setup catch all or other email routing)

Drive Files

-- Both Suspended and Archived users drive files will be visible to the ones whom they are shared with.

Calendar Events

-- Suspended and Archived Users Calendar events stay unless transferred by Google Workspace Administrator.

Account Restore Option

-- Suspended Google Workspace accounts can be restored.

-- Archived Google Workspace accounts can be unarchived.

Visible in Contacts Directory

-- Both are visible by default in Google Workspace Organization Contacts Directory


-- Suspended Users are charged the same price as Google Workspace active users.

-- Archived Users are charged around 1/3 of the active Google Workspace license cost, and hence they are recommended to be used for left employees.

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