Bulk Delete Google Workspace Groups with Ok Goldy

You may need to bulk delete your Google Workspace groups in case you need to clean up your organizational account or you need to restart everything from scratch.

OK Goldy to Delete Groups

Deleting one or a couple of Google Workspace groups can be done one after another, but if there are multiple Google Workspace groups you can easily use the OK Goldy add-on to bulk delete your Google Workspace groups.

This is how it is done…

1 Select the “7. Delete Groups” worksheet.

Selecting the bulk delete Google Workspace groups worksheet

2 Enter all the emails representing individual Google Workspace groups.

Entering emails of all the Google Workspace groups to be deleted

3 Execute the “Delete Groups” module using the following command path:

Add-ons >> OK Goldy >> Groups Manager >> 7. Delete Groups

Executing the bulk delete the Google Workspace groups module

4 The success status of the bulk delete of Google Workspace groups is displayed within the worksheet.

Google Workspace groups successfully bulk deleted by OK Goldy

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